0800 800 150 = BT

Company: BT

0800 800 150 is a BT phone number.

BT is a trading name of British Telecom (British Telecommunications).

You can call this freephone number to speak to BT’s sales, billing, technical support and customer services staff about BT’s products such as BT Sport and the BT Infinity broadband service.

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Call cost: free

0800 numbers are freephone (toll-free) numbers, so it’s free to call 0800 800 150 from all standard landlines and mobile phones in the UK, but chargeable if calling from a payphone or from abroad.

Routing: non-geographic

08 numbers are non-geographic numbers (NGNs).

Calls to non-geographic phone numbers, such as 0800 800 150 and other numbers beginning with 08, usually have poorer sound quality than calls to geographic numbers (beginning 01 or 02).

From abroad: +44 800 800 150

If you want to call 0800 800 150 from abroad, just replace the leading zero (0) with the UK’s international dialling code (+44) so the number becomes +44 800 800 150. This is equal to dialling 0044 800 800 150 so long as your country’s international dial out code is double zero (00).