Are 0161 numbers free to call on O2?

Not quite, 0161 numbers are not technically free to call from any UK mobile device. However O2 customers with inclusive minutes left on their pay monthly tariff or rewards bundle can use these to phone 0161 helplines for no extra fee.

Background on 0161 numbers

0161 phone numbers are used by landlines that are (mostly) registered to the local area of Manchester, a large city in North-West England. These can be used by residents in the area as well as by companies who operate customer service offices within the city.

Cost of calling 0161 numbers from an O2 handset

The cost of calling 0161 numbers, independent of any inclusive minutes, is dependent on which particular O2 tariff you are on. However under current Ofcom rules you will pay O2 an access fee to connect the call then a per-minute rate, therefore it is wise to limit the length of your call if you do not have any minutes left on your balance.

O2 call costs for 0161 numbers (excluding free minutes)

O2 tariffCost breakdownMinimum call cost
O2 Pay & Go30p access fee plus 30p per minute60p
Pay Monthly customers35p per minute with an access fee of 35p70p