Are 0207 numbers free to call on EE?

0207 numbers are standard geographic numbers corresponding to an area of Greater London and as such are not free to call from an EE phone.

However, they are compatible with inclusive free minutes in case you have spare free minutes in your EE contract or bundle’s free minutes allowance.

What are 0207 numbers and how much do they cost to call?

0207 numbers are charged at standard rate and are compatible with free minutes, inline with all 01, 02 and 03 telephone numbers – there should be no disparity between these numbers. This is a rule imposed by Ofcom on 1st June 2015 and applies to all UK telecoms companies. 0203, 0207 and 0208 are popular phone number prefixes corresponding to London based landline phones so they’re just standard geographic numbers charged at standard rate and still eligible for any inclusive free minutes offers that EE may be running for your particular contract or bundle, as you would expect.