Are 0300 numbers free to call on Three (3)?

You can only call 0300 numbers for free on Three (3) if you have inclusive minutes on your pay monthly balance or remaining on your pay as you go Add-on. Otherwise you can expect to pay the same rate as phoning local UK numbers.

As 0300 helplines are charged at the same rate as local 01 and 02 numbers you will usually be charged a per-minute rate plus an access fee to phone them, as outlined in the table below. However Three customers with inclusive minutes left on their Add-on package or monthly contract can call these numbers for no charge (all you will lose are your free minutes according to the duration of the call.

Cost of calling 0300 numbers on Three (3)

Three tariffCost of phoning 03 numbers (with inclusive minutes)Cost to call 03 numbers without inclusive minutes
Pay monthlyFree35p per minute
Pay as you goFree3p per minute (minimum one minute charge)