0330 and 0333 numbers are not normally free to call from any UK telephone, however an exception exists whereby if you have inclusive minutes from EE remaining on your monthly balance you can use these instead of paying a fee.
What are 033 numbers
033 numbers are non-geographic UK numbers which are primarily used as company customer service helplines. The popularity of 0330 and 0333 numbers is due to their memorable structure and the fact that Ofcom banned the more expensive service numbers such as 0845 and 0870 for use as post-sales helplines.
Minimum 033 call costs for EE customers (excluding free minutes)
EE tariff | Without free inclusive minutes on tariff | |
EE landline customers | 32.5p | |
Mobile pay as you go | 74p | |
Monthly contract (EE mobile) | £1.00 |