No, 0343 numbers are not free to call from any EE landline or mobile device. Instead these are charged at the same rate as local UK area code numbers which start with an 01 or 02 phone number.
What are 0343 numbers and how much do they cost to call?
0343 numbers closely mimic 0843 service numbers which were outlawed by Ofcom in July 2015 for any use other than sales hotlines. All 03 numbers including 0343 helplines are charged at a variable per-minute rate plus an access charge determined by EE (see the table below for a full breakdown on EE call costs to 0343 numbers). However there is a loophole which means you could avoid paying money as inclusive minutes offered on your EE pay as you go or monthly contract can be used instead of a fee.
Cost of calling 0343 numbers on EE (excluding free inclusive minutes)
Type of EE tariff | Per-minute rate | Access charge |
Landline | 12.5p | 20p |
EE pay as you go customers | 30p | 44p |
Monthly contract | 50p | 50p |