Are 0370 numbers free to call on Vodafone?

0370 numbers are not free to call on Vodafone, regardless of whether you are a mobile customer or a landline user.

Vodafone calls to 0370 numbers are normally charged at a per-minute rate with an access fee for connecting the call as detailed below. However if you get inclusive minutes to use on your mobile tariff or landline contract allowance then you can use these instead of paying any monetary charge.

Cost of phoning 0370 numbers on Vodafone (excludes free minutes)

Vodafone tariffCost of calling 0370 numbers
Landline30.5p for the first minute, 11.5p each minute thereafter
Pay as you go60p for the first minute, 30p each minute thereafter
Monthly mobile contracts£1.10 for the first minute, 55p each minute thereafter