Are 0371 numbers free to call on Vodafone?

No, 0371 numbers are non-geographic numbers which are charged at the same rate as local 01 and 02 numbers therefore they cannot be phoned for free on Vodafone tariffs. However if you get free inclusive minutes allocated you can use these instead of paying the standard charges.

Who uses 0371 numbers?

0371 numbers are used as national customer service helplines by companies, charities as well as certain government bodies. Their useage increased dramatically when Ofcom legislated that more expensive service numbers starting with 0871 numbers were to be outlawed for all purposes other than sales hotlines. Therefore many organisations changed to 0371 numbers to comply with the new regulations and to closely mimic their previous helplines.

Vodafone call costs – 0371 numbers

Vodafone tariffCost of calling with 0371 inclusive minutesCharges for calling 0371 numbers without inclusive minutes
Vodafone pay as you goFree30p per minute plus 30p access charge (minimum fee: 60p)
Monthly Vodafone mobile contractsFree55p per minute plus 55p access charge (minimum fee: £1.05)
Landline customersFree11.5 per minute plus 19p access charge (minimum fee: 30.5p)