Are 08 numbers free to call on O2

Depends whether the number is a freephone number or a service helpline. Freephone 0800 and 0808 numbers are free to call from any landline or mobile handset including those on the O2 network. However service numbers which start in prefixes such as 0844 and 0870 are not free to call from any network provider.

So what are 08 numbers?

08 numbers can be neatly separated into two different types: freephone numbers (which start with an 0800 or 0808 prefix) and service numbers. Freephone numbers are used by large companies as customer service helplines, plus charities often use them as they receive discounts in operating the line. These numbers are completely free of charge from all phones.

By contrast service numbers are not free to call from any O2 mobile handset, meaning if possible you should avoid calling a number which starts with 0843, 0844, 0845, 0870 or 0871. Ofcom made it illegal for companies to use service numbers for anything other than sales helplines so thankfully these are less common than they used to be.

Cost of calling 08 numbers from an O2 phone

Freephone numbers are free to call from all UK telephones, nor will your O2 inclusive minutes be used instead of a charge which means we fully recommend calling an 0800 or 0808 number if possible.

Service numbers are not free of charge for any phone, nor can you use inclusive minutes on your O2 rewards bundle to make the call instead.

O2 tariffCost of calling freephone (0800 & 0808) numbersCall costs for 0843, 0844 and 0845 service numbersCost of calling 0870 and 0871 numbers
O2 Pay & GoFree42.8p per minute48.8p per minute
Pay MonthlyFree55p per minute55p per minute