Are 0870 numbers free to call on EE?

0870 numbers are not free to call on EE as they are national service numbers charged at a business rate of up to 13p a minute plus an access charge, which may be up to 50p per minute from EE mobile phones.

0870 numbers are used by companies as a way of earning commission from your calls, thankfully they have become far less prevalent due to a change in legislation by Ofcom in July 2015 however some sales and technical lines still use this prefix so beware.

Cost of calling 0870 numbers from an EE handset

So how expensive are these calls? Well if you are an EE landline customer you will pay an access charge of 11p per minute plus a service charge of 13p per minute, however these costs skyrocket for EE mobile customers who will pay a whopping 50p per minute access charge plus a 57p per minute service charge. Therefore if you do have to call an 0870 number as no alternatives are listed on this site we advise that you call from a landline rather than a mobile due to the extensive price gap of 64p per minute. Finally you cannot use free minutes on your EE tariff to call 0870 numbers for free.