Although 03456 numbers are not technically free to call you can avoid the standard access fee and per-minute rate if you have inclusive minutes on your monthly mobile contract, pay & go rewards bundle or landline tariff.
Background on 03456 numbers
Telephone numbers starting with 03456 numbers are highly valued among UK companies and organisations as they have a memorable structure, meaning customers are more likely to remember them in future. They are charged at the same rate as other national 03 helplines, which in turn cost the same to call as local 01 and 02 numbers. This means you can call them for free if you have inclusive minutes on your tariff, otherwise you will pay a per-minute rate and an access charge.
Maximum cost of calling 03456 numbers without inclusive minutes
- The cost of calling 03456 numbers on Vodafone (mobile contract) is currently 55p per minute plus an access charge of 55p if you have run out of inclusive minutes.
- If you phone 03456 numbers on EE without inclusive minutes remaining on your monthly balance you will pay 50p per minute plus an access charge of 50p.
- 03456 call charges on O2 consist of a per minute rate of 35p plus a 35p access fee if you do not have inclusive minutes on your monthly mobile deal.