UK phone numbers starting with 0845 prefixes are not free to call on any landline or mobile tariff, usually the cost of calling these numbers consists of a ‘service’ charge alongside an access fee set by your provider.
Background on 0845 numbers
Business-rate numbers starting with 0845 are used throughout the United Kingdom as technical support lines and sales hotlines, they used to be more widespread however Ofcom banned their use as post-sales customer service numbers in 2015. Typically calls to these numbers are charged at 7p per minute plus a per-minute access fee which is determined by your provider. Please be aware that you cannot use inclusive minutes to call 0845 numbers and that calling from a landline is generally cheaper than phoning from a mobile handset.
Maximum cost of phoning 0845 number
- Maximum cost of calling 0845 numbers on EE
- Up to 57p per minute on monthly mobile contracts.
- Maximum cost of calling 0845 numbers on O2
- Up to 62p per minute for O2 monthly customers
- Maximum cost of calling 0845 numbers on Vodafone
- Up to 62p per minute for mobile customers on a monthly mobile contract